Färger - Ovanåkers kommun


Skräddarsydda dispensrar - SC Johnson Professional

Pantone Cool Gray 9 C. CMYK. RGB. PMS. FÄRGER  PANTONE: 233 C. CMYK: 40, 0, 100, 0. RGB: 176, 201, 43. PANTONE: 376 C. CMYK: 30, 25, 15, 50. RGB: 101, 101, 108.

Cool gray cmyk

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HEX/HTML 63666A. CMYK 57 46 40 25. Please note that RGB & Hex/HTML values will differ between the PANTONE Color Finder and the PANTONE Color Bridge Guides due to different standards for print and digital use. For the PANTONE Color Bridge Guides we use the M1 lighting standard to align with industry standards for process printing. Color Values: RGB 83 86 90. HEX/HTML 53565A.

Grafisk manual - Oljibe Stålbyggnad

PMS Cool  Apr 12, 2020 - PANTONE Cool Gray 6 C #pantone #color #PMS #hex. Pantone Cool Gray 10 C Color Palette in 2019 Pantone colour gray color code cmyk -. C: Set the very lightest gray (4%K) to be Cool Gray 1 at 100%. And keep the other grays (7% and 15%) as process tints.

Cool gray cmyk

Värimallit/Pantone - Köp dessa på Mattonbutiken / Matton AB

Cool gray cmyk

Hex. #d0d0ce. RGB. rgb(208, 208, 206)​.

Cool gray cmyk

CMYK: 70/58/46/43. PMS: Cool Gray 11-C, 433-​U.
Hyresavtal bil

Cool gray cmyk

cooL GRAy 3 pms: COOL GRAY 1 cmyk: 0 0 0 6. RGb: 240 240 240. HeX: EFEFF0 pms: RUBINE RED cmyk: 0 100 15 4. RGb: 226 1 119.

PANTONE: 579 C. Tjäle. CMYK: 0/0/0/​10.
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Skräddarsydda dispensrar - SC Johnson Professional

Bilder: Green. Trans Blue Trans Black Trans Clear.

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Grafisk profil_Försvarsförbundet.pdf

371 C. PANTONE. Cool Gray 7 C. CMYK. 62/0/23/0. Pantone. 311 C. Avery. 732 Light Blue.