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Operative time in the bipolar diathermy treated group was significantly decreased compared with conventionally treated patients (10.8 ± 1.2 vs 19.1 ± … Bipolar diathermy avoids the risks associated with monopolar diathermy. The only drawback from using bipolar scissors was significant edema at the circumcision site due to the high-energy settings of the generator, which subsided spontaneously. In both types of diathermy, the effect is proportional to the size of the diathermy pin. ABS TRACT Objective: Circumcision is a world wide surgical procedure but still gold standard approach not defined. For such a common procedure there are many methods described for circumcision.
At the end of the procedure the wound is wrapped in a loose bandage. The resulting power can be used both to cut (electrosurgery) and to cauterise, even to 'spot weld' tissue if that is what is needed. There are two forms - bipolar and monopolar. Bipolar HF electrocautery has two electrodes in close proximity so that only the tissue between them is heated.
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Therefore, we recommend that the bipolar scissors circumcision replace the conventional scalpel method in pediatric patients with phimosis. method of circumcision, which satisfies these criteria.
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For the technique to be successful it should be easy to perform, address the problem of haemorrhage, avoid the need for interventional postoperative care and give a good cosmetic and functional result. We offer a simple method of circumcision, which satisfies these criteria. It uses the benefits of bipolar diathermy 2021-03-18 Click on the article title to read more. Adult bipolar diathermy circumcision and related procedures in adults – a safe and efficient technique. Overview of attention for article published in Research and Reports in Urology, June 2014.
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Bipolar diathermy cutting and hemostasis was performed using bipolar forceps with a Valleylab machine set at 15. A prospective, randomized study, comparing two different techniques for pediatric male circumcision: the bipolar diathermy scissors technique with that of a classic scalpel technique. Study included male infants from 40 days old up to 18 month old.
It is appropriate for infants, Any bleeding during the procedure is stopped with the use of Bipolar Diathermy (electrocautery).
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Bipolar diathermy avoids the risks associated with monopolar diathermy. The only drawback from using bipolar scissors was significant edema at the circumcision site due to the high-energy settings of the generator, which subsided spontaneously.
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Place the prepuce on Bipolar scissors circumcision approach is an effective and safe procedure alternative to the standard scalpel technique in pediatric circumcision with no significant morbidity.