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Applications are accepted throughout the year. However, the selection and enrollment processes for the upcoming school year begin on April 1 and are usually complete by the end of May. Information for students, alumni, and parents from Illinois flagship public university, a world leader in research, teaching, and public engagement. You can also email us at atlas-tlt@illinois.edu, visit us online, or call us at 217-333-6300. College of Education: Visit User Services Learning Support. School of Information Sciences: Email: help@support.ischool.illinois.edu. Call: 217-244-4903 or 800-377-1892.

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Congratulations to Danny Lohan who has accepted an internship at the Toyota Research Institute of … 2021-01-04 222 Bevier Hall. 905 S. Goodwin Ave. Urbana, IL 61801. Phone: 217-333-3790 Email: hdfs@illinois.edu Information for students, alumni, and parents from Illinois flagship public university, a world leader in research, teaching, and public engagement. This option is for guest access, and for users who do not have a University of Illinois (UIUC, UIC, UIS) email account.


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