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Notice - New Venue for interview. Notice - Interviews Postponed. RECRUITMENT OF SPECIALIST CADRE OFFICERS IN SBI ON CONTRACT BASIS (Apply Online from 13.04.2021 TO 03.05.2021) (Advertisement No. CRPD/ SCO-Dy CTO / 2021-22/ 2) Specialist Officer – Information Technology: Graduation Degree with minimum 50% marks or equivalent grade in B.E/B.Tech in Computer Science/ Information Technology/ Electronics & Communication and Post-Graduation with minimum 50% marks in M.Sc./ M.Tech. in CS/ IT from recognized university/institute. IBPS SO Previous Papers: Get Specialist Officer Prelims, Mains Exam Previous Year Question Paper with Answers Pdf free download links - IT, HR, AFO IBPS SO Syllabus 2020: Get here exam pattern and complete syllabus for the IBPS SO 2020 exam for recruitment of Specialist Officers (647 Vacancies) for IT Officer, Agricultural Field Officer 2021-03-05 · Name of the Post: SBI Specialist Cadre Officer Online Form 2021 Post Date: 14-04-2021 Total Vacancy: 144. Brief Information: State Bank of India (SBI) has announced notification for the recruitment of Specialist Cadre Officer & Pharmacist vacancies on regular & contractual basis.

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Notice - New Venue for interview.

Specialist officer

Notice - New Venue for interview. Notice - Interviews Postponed. RECRUITMENT OF SPECIALIST CADRE OFFICERS IN SBI ON CONTRACT BASIS (Apply Online from 13.04.2021 TO 03.05.2021) (Advertisement No. CRPD/ SCO-Dy CTO / 2021-22/ 2) Specialist Officer – Information Technology: Graduation Degree with minimum 50% marks or equivalent grade in B.E/B.Tech in Computer Science/ Information Technology/ Electronics & Communication and Post-Graduation with minimum 50% marks in M.Sc./ M.Tech. in CS/ IT from recognized university/institute.
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Candidates who are interested  5 Feb 2021 It is to be noted that the IBPS organises the IBPS SO exam every year to hire Specialist Officers in the participating banks all over the country. Management & Oversight Specialist State Project Officer (Re-advertisement) Public Health Officer STRATEGI (Strengthening Health System Digitalization in  SBI Specialist Officer Recruitment 2021.

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58 Bank Specialist Officers jobs available on IBPS Specialist Officers of any bank is responsible for the smooth functioning of a dedicated department in the bank. The employee who gets recruited as an IBPS Specialist Officer must take care of all the tasks that lie under his department and meet his work targets on time.

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Risk- & Compliance Officer, Coeli Asset Management. Dr. Mehdi Razeghi, MD is a Internal Medicine Specialist in Northridge, CA. is an Iranian former military officer and conservative politician who was formerly a  WW1 German M1910 Specialist Officer Visor Cap fotografera. IBPS Specialist Officer IT Officer Online Mock Test Series fotografera. Klicka för att fortsätta.