TRADEOFF - svensk översättning - engelskt-svenskt


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Definition af Trade-off . I økonomi betyder handel med udvekslingen, hvor en person ofrer en eller flere ting for at få et bestemt produkt, en tjeneste eller en oplevelse. Det refererer til alle handlingsplaner, som kunne anvendes, bortset fra den nuværende. Trade-off. Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi.

Trade-off betyder

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Böjningar av trade-off, Singular, Plural. Nominativ, trade-off, trade-offs. Genitiv, trade-off's · trade-offs' · trade-off. variant av tradeoff; avvägning. Hämtad från  Huvudsakliga översättningar. Engelska, Svenska.

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byta {vb} to trade off (även: to alternate, to interchange) volume_up. alternera {vb} tradeoff {substantiv} volume_up.

Trade-off betyder

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Trade-off betyder

They cynically tried to trade off a reduction in the slaughter of dolphins against a resumption of commercial whaling V P n against n Because of the trade-off, adding resolution means narrowing the field of view, which means that accuracy is unacceptably compromised. Debido al compromiso, el agregado de resolución significa estrechar el campo visual, lo que significa que la exactitud se compromete inaceptablemente. WIK addresses the trade-off between comparability and sample size by considering three different benchmark groups: (i) benchmark group I, or the narrow parcel sector, including companies that are primarily active as parcel service providers (10 companies, considered highly comparable with universal postal service providers); (ii) benchmark group II, or the broader parcel sector, including Et trade-off betyder, at en fordel for det ene element samtidig er en ulempe for det andet element. Eksempelvis vil et højere lagerniveau kunne medføre en kort leveringstid og dermed en bedre leveringsservice, men det betyder samtidig, at logistikomkostningerne stiger, fordi der bindes mere kapital i varebeholdninger.

Trade-off betyder

Showing page 1. Found 548 sentences matching phrase "Trade-off".Found in 48 ms. For the purpose of this Contract the Seller grants the Buyer the discount of 10% from prices stipulated in the Appendix No. 1 as marketing allowance for sales-promotion in off-trade (twice a year for additionally discussed quantities). What does trade-offs mean? Plural form of trade-off.
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Trade-off betyder

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Because of the trade-off, adding resolution means narrowing the field of view, which means that accuracy is unacceptably compromised.
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Trade off meaning ec - Engelska - Tagalog Översättning och

related noun trade-off. • The trade-off, as Fraser remarks, is between freedom and coherence. a trade-off between something and something • Happily, though, most investments offer a trade-off between risk and return.

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