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Create your own Crossword Puzzle. Use your own answers and clues to create a custom crossword. Just enter a title for your crossword, and then enter a list of up to 40 pairs of answers and clues seperated by a comma, e.g.

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S FREE Double Puzzle Maker. At 'Custom Create and print customized word search, criss-cross, math puzzles, and more-using your own word lists.

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Free instant online crossword puzzle maker--quickly make crossword puzzles using your words! Free instant online crossword puzzle maker--quickly make crossword puzzles using your words! Our crossword puzzle maker allows you to add images, colors and fonts to create professional looking printable crossword puzzles. No registration needed to make free, professional looking crossword puzzles!

It has a grid like a crossword, but there are no normal clues. Instead you must fill in the given words into the grid.
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A word fit puzzle is a crossword puzzle, but instead of clues you get already the answers. Criss-Cross A free crossword puzzle maker can be used to create educational materials or for fun.