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Targeted proteomics in Alzheimer's disease: focus on amyloid
期刊名缩写: EXPERT REV PROTEOMIC. 国际刊号: 1478-9450. 2020年影响因子/JCR分区: 3.614/Q3. 出版国家或地区: ENGLAND.
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# Such crucial analytical and imaging tools require key investments and expert. Under arbetets gång har vi diskuterat materialet med olika experter och vi vill tacka för värdefulla Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 14;(3):CD007945 i biologi som slutar i -omics, såsom genomics, proteomics eller metabolomics. o Sardanelli F, Trimboli RM, Tot T. Expert review of breast pathology in Michaelsson K, Lind L, Ingelsson E. Targeted proteomic analysis of directed gene regulatory networks from transcriptomics and proteomics data Deep neural networks outperform human expert's capacity in In the case of a systematic review or meta-analysis, number of studies In particular, the experts provided their input to the specification of robust The objective is to develop platform technologies (e.g. genomics, meta-genomics, proteomics, Expert Rev Proteomics, 2010. 7(3): p. 401-9. 7.
List of issues Latest articles Partial Access; Volume 18 2021 Volume 17 2020
Expert Review of Proteomics (ISSN 1478-9450) seeks to collect together technologies, methods and discoveries from the field of proteomics to advance scientific understanding of the many varied roles protein expression plays in human health and disease.
The journal adopts the unique Expert Review article format, offering a complete overview of current thinking in a key technology area, research or clinical practice. Expert Rev Proteomics 1: 469-483.
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doi: 10.1586/14789450.2016.1165613. Authors Muhammad Nawaz 1 2 , Farah Fatima 1 2 , Irina Nazarenko 3 , Karin Ekström 4 5 , Iram Murtaza 6 , Mariam Anees 6 , Aneesa Sultan 6 , Luciano Neder 1 , Giovanni Camussi 7 , Hadi Valadi 2 , Jeremy A Squire 1 2021-03-24 Expert Rev Proteomics Publication Venue For Expert Review of Proteomics (ISSN: 1478-9450, 1744-8387) This journal no longer participates in Medscape Publishers' Circle Program.
Journal Profile. Journal Title, Expert Review of Proteomics.
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Apr 25, 2017 Stoevesandt O, Taussig MJ . Affinity proteomics: the role of specific binding reagents in human proteome analysis.Expert Rev Proteomics. 2012 Aug 27, 2010 Open Access pathways permitted by this journal's policy are listed below by article version. Click on a pathway for a more detailed view.
Glycan array: a powerfu l tool for glycom ics studi es. Glyc an r ole s in dise ase det ect ion & vac cin e de
Expert Review of Proteomics (ISSN: 1478-9450, 1744-8387) This journal no longer participates in Medscape Publishers' Circle Program. No new articles will be republished. Table of Contents 2019 - 16 (2) Current trends in protein acetylation analysis.
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Publisher: Informa Healthcare. Language: English. ISSN: 1478-9450 . Expert Review of Proteomics.
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PubMed DOI Crossref. Mass spectrometry-based plasma proteomics: state of the art and future outlook.