Perstorp breaks ground in India to significantly boost Penta
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Latest plan promises to deliver improvements 2005-12-01 The appointment follows the naming last month of Jan Secher as Clariant's Chief Executive designate, taking over from current CEO Roland Loesser, who will become Chairman of the Board of Directors Clariant makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the information’s accuracy, adequacy, sufficiency or freedom from defect and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. SWITZERLAND-CLARIANT/ - RTR1MLUX Swiss specialty chemicals company Chief Executive Secher reacts during a media conference on Clariant full year results 2006 in Zurich Swiss specialty chemicals company Chief Executive Jan Secher reacts during a media conference on Clariant full year results 2006 in Zurich February 20, 2007. REUTERS/Siggi Bucher (SWITZERLAND) 2008-02-01 Jan Secher. Medicine Elekta Sweden. Biography. CEO of Clariant AG in Basel from 2006 to 2008 and CEO of SICPA in Lausanne from 2003 to 2005.
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10 Jul 2017 from the market”, Perstorp President and CEO Jan Secher says. Related Content Clariant opens a JV production facility in Cangzhou for 30 Oct 2008 CEO Jan Secher commented: "Clariant had a solid first half year despite an increasingly difficult environment. We were able to compensate for 4 Dec 2020 The Swiss specialty chemical company Clariant provides a contrasting emphasis of the CEO, Jan Secher, on pricing as key profit driver. 26. Mai 2010 Jan Secher wird zum 1. Zuvor war er drei Jahre Vorstandsvorsitzender der Clariant AG, Basel, sowie für drei Jahre Vorstandschef von SICPA Jan Secher, Perstorp's President& CEO sees these latest investments as part of Perstorp's long-standing strategic commitment to the region, and its future 26. Mai 2010 Ferrostaals neuer Boss Jan Secher arbeitete lange bei dem Chef des Baseler Chemiekonzerns Clariant verkörpert auf der improvisierten 31 Aug 2014 Perstorp president and CEO Jan Secher said: "This financial transaction is fully in line with Perstorp's long-term strategy to focus on its core Hariolf Kottmann, Clariant (scienceindustries-.
Kottmann ny vd för Clariant - Plastforum SE
Jan Secher was elected a director of the Company on September 18, 2009. Mr. Secher served as Member of Management of the Board of Clariant AG January. Gómez-Baggethun, E., & Muradian, R. (2015).
Jan Secher -Schweiz. 7 personer till med namnet Jan Secher är medlemmar på LinkedIn Se 2008-09-05 The Board of Directors of Clariant International Ltd (SWX:CLN) has appointed Dr. Hariolf Kottmann new Chief Executive Officer, effective October 1, 2008, replacing Jan Secher who plans to pursue Styrelsen för specialkemiföretaget Clariant har utsett en efterträdare till vd Jan Secher. Ny på posten från och med 1 oktober blir Hariolf Kottmann, med ett förflutet inom tyska Hoechst men som tillbringat de senaste åren i USA. Jan Secher, Clariant's Chief Executive, said: "The Pharmaceutical Fine Chemicals business sharpened its strategy and improved its efficiency, enabling it to become one of the industry's leading 2007-05-14 Jan Secher, Clariant's Chief Executive, said: "The Pharmaceutical Fine Chemicals business sharpened its strategy and improved its efficiency, enabling it to become one of the industry's leading suppliers. As an independent entity supported by a committed investor, it has an … 2005-11-03 2008-09-21 Jan Secher corporate profile, background and performance evaluation including other Elekta B executives.
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Annika Espander Jansson, Johan Malmquist, Wolfgang Reim, Jan Secher, till 2010, vd för Clariant AG. Puusepp, Wolfgang Reim, Jan Secher, Birgitta.
Ny på posten från och med 1 oktober blir Hariolf
Clariant, som bl a producerar additiver och masterbatch, planerar att som citeras av flera media säger koncernchefen Jan Secher att bolaget
Jan Secher, President & CEO, said “Perstorp is the global market leader in Penta and the market demand for these products is steadily growing
sett denna möjlighet att hjälpa och drivit detta initiativ i samarbete med myndigheter och partners”, säger Jan Secher, VD på Perstorp Group. Cattani och Vera Kallmeyer. · Jan Secher valdes till ny styrelseledamot Clariant AG samt koncernchef för SICPA.
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Jan Secher föreslås som ny medlem i Elektas styrelse - Elekta
Jan Secher är VD och koncernchef i Ferrostaal AG. Han har varit operativ partner till den amerikanska riskkapitalfonden Apollo i London, och VD för Clariant AG i Basel samt koncernchef för SICPA i Lausanne. Clariant, som bl a producerar additiver och masterbatch, planerar att minska personalstyrkan med 2 200 personer, reducera antalet fabriker med tio procent och dra ner produktportföljen med 25 procent. Jan Secher is President/CEO at Perstorp AB. See Jan Secher's compensation, career history, education, & memberships.
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Clariant skär ner kraftigt - Plastforum SE
His successor is chemist Hariolf Kottmann, who marks a turning point in the company’s history. 2013-09-16 · Jan Secher was also CEO of the chemical company Clariant from 2006 - 2008, a global leader in specialty chemicals where he led the successful turnaround of the business; other experiences include SICPA, a leading global provider of ink solutions, as well as ABB. Jan Secher is currently also a Board member of Elekta and Holmstaden A/S. With a M Kottmann: In line for the top job. Clariant CEO Jan Secher is leaving the company “to pursue new activities,” Clariant says. Styrelsen för specialkemiföretaget Clariant har utsett en efterträdare till vd Jan Secher.